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Discover 7 Innovative Features of ChatGPT-4 That Will Transform Your Experience

Overview :Discover 7 Innovative Features of ChatGPT-4 That Will Transform Your Experience


We are again and again hearing the news of chat gpt 4  . People are much excited and and interested to know how this  different and unique from the Chatgpt recent version 3.5 what are the difference between the two of them ?.How it is different from the chatgpt 3.5 ? . If it comes about innovation openAI has always stood first in each time  just by introducing new features to its users either if we talk of searchgpt or  enhancing voice Chatgpt has always given a surprised  to its users through its innovation

.This hows open AI has initiated AI revolution and it is in the forefront in the competition .Now let’s highlight the interesting and amazing features which will be a game changer.

Discover 7 Innovative Features of ChatGPT-4 That Will Transform Your Experience

  1. Engage in roleplay
  2. Analyze images
  3. Analyze the word document
  4. Create an updated version of document
  5. Use custom version of chatgpt created by Open AI users
  6. To produce content with fewer illusion and more credible sources
  7.  To create your own GPT

Engage in roleplay

chat gpt 4 comes with an interesting feature name roleplay the chatgpt 4 is capable to perform any role you just need to give a prompt for that and it will follow your command and perform the command in very easily in few seconds .This feature will surely helpful for anyone you can ask chatgpt 4 to do a role play of a professional blogger or any professional either a couch or a mentor or a friend and it will do roleplay of that and give you suggestion will solve your any query or doubts very helpful manner .

Now you may have  to type prompt ” You are a  professional blogger ” or any role and then type the query which you want that it should solve.

Analyze images

The new version of Chatgpt will be capable to analyze any image you just need to it will provide you the description of the image which you want in few seconds you can also upload an image and give it  a prompt what is happening and it will tell you accordingly . You may have a  question which image format does it supports don’t worry about that it supports different formats such as JPEG ,PNG format as well.


analyze word document

the New version of chatgpt if capable to analyze you word document even your excel spreadsheets well number of spreadsheet .It is capable to count the number of words in your documents as well as grammar check and spell check quiet useful for bloggers and some more profession as well . you don’t need to depend upon AI tools for grammar check and spell check by analyzing your document which will improve your accuracy


To create your own GPT


Yes you have read correct . Open AI Chatgpt allows you to make your own Chatgpt model . You must be thinking that for making Chatgpt you need to have technical skills or you may required coding knowledge don’t worry neither there is a need of knowledge of coding language nor any technical skill you can easily do that

To produce updated version of your document

Chatgpt 4 not only used to analyze image or to analyze a document but you can also used it to produce updated version of your document it can used in while working on spreadsheet to align name with roll number or to align product with its appropriate price or cost price and many such examples are there . you can also used it to shorter the version or to change formatting it unable to it

Use custom version of chatgpt created by Open AI users 

Do you want to enjoy  wide range of features available for chatgpt ? then in that case you need to become the plus member of chatgpt after that you can .This features are just created by users such as me and you it provide various tools such as Quality raters SEO guide  which is the best tool for seo expert for helping them in their tasks and as well as bloggers . Are you a student who face difficulty in solving maths problems?.

Worry not for that Chatgpt has provided a tool to solve your complicated maths problems as well . It has provided a AI researcher assistant to solve to search research papers and give accurate citations or conclusion name of the tool is consensus .

Produce content with more credible source 

Earlier if we asked something from chatgpt 3.5 any queries then it used to give us the solution but doesn’t provide use the source form where it has generated that article ,so it was difficult for us to trust that information or not because we had no sources .it is difficult to trust without any trustworthy source .but after the coming Of Chatgpt 4 the scene  has been change completely it provide us the source .


so here we come to an end of our article Discover 7 Innovative Features of ChatGPT-4 That Will Transform Your Experience Through this new advanced technology we will able to analyze images ,  we will able to produce updated version of document  , give instruction  to do roleplay for us  and some mor features as well .we should take the advantages of this and get benefits in our work



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